For the past four days or so, I've been trying out the cute, and rather long-awaited, sleep tracking game, Pokémon Sleep.
Developed for iOS and Andriod devices by SELECT BUTTON inc. (who also gave us the rather charming and fun 'Magikarp Jump' game), Pokémon Sleep is a game that helps to encourage you to get a good nights sleep, with the aim of helping to research different sleep styles of Pokémon and raise a Snorlax each week. The app allows you to track your sleep during the night.
The game was originally announced back in 2019, for a 2020 release, but no more information came about until 2023. Why there was such a huge delay isn't clear, but I wouldn't be surprised if the pandemic played a part in it.
Still, it was a really pleasant surprise when it was finally announced during the Pokémon Presents on Pokémon Day 2023!